Petrochemical | Multidisciplinary services

SGB Aluma has proven experience in new construction, maintenance and turnarounds in the petrochemical industry. Our multidisciplinary approach enables us to marshal and coordinate a whole spectrum of skills, expertise and operatives, and to guarantee the timely implementation of scheduled maintenance programmes. We always work in close partnership with operating management to provide world-leading standards of safety.

At the start of each project, we work on identifying client specifications and carry out a risk-assessment, taking into account the nature of the product being generated at the site. The production of solids, liquids and gases all have unique health and safety requirements. As a basic principle, all our equipment and tools are Explosion-Proof (Ex-Proof). Our extensive experience with volatile substances and working in hazardous environments makes us a partner of choice for many of the world’s biggest petrochemical companies.

Scaffolding erection, cladding, insulation installation or removal, heat exchanger cleaning and repairs are all aspects of our work at petrochemical plants. In addition to this we can also inspect equipment, measure wall thicknesses and undertake valve expansion.

In a single production shutdown, any combination of these may have to be carried out before production can be restarted. Because downtime is expensive, we take a tight and well-disciplined approach, to guarantee that no production stop ever takes longer than strictly necessary. Our global network of stock and service centres of excellence enable us to provide rapid responses for both scheduled turnarounds and emergency shutdowns.

Working together with our clients, we develop long-term maintenance schedules indicating priorities and deadlines for months and years ahead. The planning-based maintenance approach prevents disruption and expensive ad hoc solutions, resulting in more controllable maintenance costs. It also means reduced energy consumption, while the pre-emptive inspections for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) reduce costs further.
