Encapsulation | Weather & containment systems

SGB Aluma offers a wide range of options for the encapsulation of your structure. Whether you need weather protection for personnel or sensitive structures, or to protect the environment from noise, light, dust, fumes, or contamination and containment, we will have a suitable solution for your project.

By cladding the entire structure, you can eliminate the unwanted effects of changes in pressure and wind suction that are typical for traditional sheets and netting. This allows work on the project to continue, whereas traditional methods may have delayed the completion.

Protection using encapsulation

Meeting the latest legislation requirements, and made from an adaptable, fire resistant and waterproof material, encapsulation can be applied to even the most varied façades. Especially useful in situations where work and residue material could damage the environment, cause material damage to property or where adverse weather could delay the project.

Encapsulation allows for the whole work area to be completely covered, preventing leakage of undesired material from the work area, whilst protecting both workers and the inner structure.

Possible damage to the encapsulation can be easily repaired and it is possible to create sealed holes for run-through structures.
